Wednesday, June 8, 2016


There is a liquid state that happens when you touch me. Like being caressed by Poseidon himself and wrapped in his ocean's and sea's.

Anticipating your entrance, my thighs spread apart like the arms of a welcoming friend. Your skin feels like silk from heaven, forcing me to melt away in your hands.

Both hot and cold, there's chills in my body and heat to my soul as even my morals spread apart.
Everything starts to shake! The trembling of my everything preparing to elevate.

Controller of the waterfall inside me as I drip to the power you have over me. So strong you are it sends me to my knees, the position of a slave ready to handle whatever you give me.

My taste buds start to excite as they feel your storm rushing down. Bodies of moans and roars
as I take in this liquid heat.

Poseidon and his lover. Blooming in what you do to me.

~Venus Skies.®2016

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