Monday, June 20, 2016


Don't judge me!

I'm a black woman who can't cornrow. Well....I learned a few years ago, but my fingers braid overhand not underhand. My cornrows on my own head look horrible. Feeding hair in? HAH! Forget it. But now that I've actually seen some cornrow theory, I may start practicing again.

Maybe.  For whatever reason, I find cornrowing (very, very short sections) on somebody else's head 1000x easier. As far as doing my own head, my black woman self-esteem crashes with every failure. And, there have been MANY.

NAPTURAL 85 to the rescue!

Naptural 85 has a much looser curl than mine and bunch of my 4c afro sister chicks. But nobody consistently beats her as far as giving clear instructions like these.


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