Friday, May 20, 2016


There are black men (and men of all colors) worth marrying But most of the non-feminist minded? They probably aren't.

Some young black women feminists are willing to marry.  I find a lot of them want to marry They want love, romance, and sex and love twisted round one another as much as the next woman and are willing to work at it. But they are not going to give up their integrity to get it from a man who hasn't proven he is capable or not "betraying" her at the drop of a hat.

Yet there are still young black women like Beyonce singing the song they learned from mother about pain, pain, pain, pain, and then one side pseudo-insta-forgiveness -- that only works 2 out of 10 times, once he's too old to get it up anymore.

It seems to me, Michelle Obama is a much, much, much better role model for young black women than Beyonce.  I find it hard to believe she'd ever let Barack Obama put her in this position once, much less multiple times.

It seems to me Michelle's mother must have told her to be careful about every single person you allow in your life (as indicated by the quote below)


Rumor has it, Jay Z was a ho from the word go before he married Beyonce. And even though she was only 19 or so when they met, I'm thinking Michelle's mother would have pointed out Jay Z's behavior to a 19 year old Michelle and said, "He is not going to be able to quit that using women like kleenex to wipe his Johnson cold turkey, dear. Do not bring people in your life who are likely to way you down..."

Michelle Obama's mother almost certainly said something similar to what Michelle Obama reportedly said herself. And I think it's safe to assume Michelle Obama has told Malia and Sasha the very same thing.

If I ever give a young black girl a copy of "Lemonade" so she can revel in rare and beautiful images of black womanhood, I will cut off the last few minutes or dub over it. Because I will not allow pseudo-insta-forgiveness as route to misery be passed on as an ideal or as something that is inevitable for black women.

I refuse.

More tomorrow

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