Thursday, December 22, 2016


People of color can't afford to be draggin' any pseudo-white-ally dead weight in the age of The Orange Dragon.

White folks don't have to go as far in allyship as actor Michael Shannon who said, "If you're voting for Trump, it's time for the Urn."    But better that than try to defend white Trump voters as this newly minted "White Working Class," these mythical white voters who voted for working classed-ness OR "White Christians" voting for Christianity when it's clear that all Trump voters voted for was WHITEness.

If that weren't true non-white working class and the non-white Christians would have voted their wallets too. Black and brown people always have some piece of ethnoracism to ignore inside every white candidate since this country was conceived as an idea. There's no reason to see 2016 election as different.
If 60% of black and brown folks had been worried their homes would be foreclosed on if they FAILED to vote for working class hero Trump, then Trump would have gotten a landslide's worth of black votes -- no matter what the heck he said or didn't say. 

For so long as Trump knows whiteness better than white allies do, white allies are kinda worthless. And for so long as white allies are kind of worthless, POCs know the wind may blow them the right way politically speaking or it might not 

And that's why the white woman vote going to Trump shouldn't have been THAT surprising.

Feeling Rebloggy 
from 2015
America loves teachable moments, those real-life Very Special Episodes of supposed cross-cultural exchange and transracial learning.
The problem with those teachable moments is that the same people always end up doing all the teaching.

 In matters of race (and sex, disability, gender and sexuality, but let’s stick to race right now), the marginalized are tasked with being educators. That is, people of color (POC), are expected to be patient and polite racial and cultural ambassadors who provide white people new to this whole “thinking critically about race” thing with a “way in.” The role entails charitably and unselfishly engaging questions, assertions and doubts from white people who’ve previously done precious little thinking about racism and privilege, but often have quite a bit to say on the topic.
When POC refuse to take on this dual role of spokesperson and resource library, they’re often accused of having shirked an assumed responsibility. The idea seems to be that we’ve missed an opportunity, that it’s our duty to hold white people’s hands and educate them, that we’re condemning some poor white person to a continued life of ignorance.

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