Tuesday, October 13, 2015


This might sound like an over-simplification of a complicated issue. But some things you really do learn in Kindergarten. You get to adulthood and make things complicated because you just want things to be the way you want them to be. 

And we want every black person with the ability to create a cause worthy of our attention to be worthy of following  - just like we want every black man capable of doing brain surgery to be worthy of our respect.

You can't always get what you want, not in Louis Farrakhan or in Ben Carson either. But it is Mr. Farrakhan I've seen speak in person

I was in my late teens. And I was pretty sure I didn't like much about him before he spoke By the time he finished speaking I was sure I mostly despised him after.

The thing that became most apparent during his talk was that he wasn't even subtle about his apparent distaste of Jewish people. And he was laughing and teasing as he made his comments about them. I actually felt like I was sitting in a kind of science fiction inverse-universe where white is black and black was white, like I was really sitting at a KKK meeting listening to our Grand Dragon laughingly disparage n*ggers.

I felt dirty and hypocritical. I couldn't wait to leave.

Even without the ethno-racism though, the small box into which Farrakhan and his ilk would stuff all women for their USE as an accessory to black male life is enough of a reason to kick him to the curb.  

Farrakhan's statements clearly describe a lesser humanity for women.  In my opinion, if he had real power, black women's autonomy would be reduced to nothing in the black community. And those women that refused to conform would be actively pursued and destroyed. I'm pretty sure I see examples of his perfect world in this world, in countries where women are stoned for having an affair outside their marriage (as keepers of the morality) while men (allowed to be "natural") walk free after a small mistake brought on by the woman's failure to pure of mind, spirit and body. 

All of this makes Farrakhan divisive.

Regarding, "Justice Or Else"  it was not lost on me that one of the biggest sacrifices he called for was regarding boycotting Christmas. This is a sacrifice in which he and those closest to him will contribute absolutely nothing. I haven't read anything much Farrakhan has had to say lately, except for "Justice Or Else," but I'm almost sure he falls into the

who think that
blond-haired, blue-eyed, surfer-dude Jesus
managed to get himself born in "the Middle East"
a section of the planet
that would probably be called "Africa"
if Europeans had had less power
to do the arbitrary continent naming.  

His choice of Christmas as the big boycott could be for the obvious reason. Christmas is a capitalism high point of the year. And if you want to get the but-I'm-not-a-racist white folks attention on the cops shooting us on their behalf, you attack the money. But it's just as likely he chose Christmas because it's nothing to him anyway and he thinks of Black Christians as fools. 

In other words, Farrakhan is divisive 

In the article below there are quotes that indicate that Farrakahn thinks that black women only exist to improve black men's existence, which is synonymous with improving the entire race.   This proves he is not fit to be a "black leader" because he disrespects half the black people he's supposed to represent. Black women, as accessories, are no more real to Farrakhan then black people were to the white folk they were captured/hired to serve from the 1600s to right now. 


So while I may happen to agree with him on some of his perspectives on problems that happen to overlap the problem of self-sexual objectification or the problem of white cops and white-supremacy-soaked cops shooting black people at will, I never forget that I do not like this man because he wants to destroy half the black community.  

I had mixed feelings about posting on "Justice Or Else"  But I can't ignore an idea I fundamentally agree with. As I've said before, I think it's way past time for the burden of white racism to be put on white people. And "Justice Or Else" is just the right slogan. But Farrakhan is the wrong man to lead it if black unity is required for it to succeed.

When bad people have good ideas, you select a new leader or watch the movement they are standing out in front of fizzle out and die...again.

Yes, there are black women who will ignore all slights against black women for the sake of fake-unity. They have made their presence known when they supported Anita Hill over Clarence Thomas, Ray Rice over Janay Rice,  Bill Cosby over Beverly Johnson and at least a half dozen, very pale, black women. But their numbers are not enough to drown out black women for which self-respect comes first. And they never will be.

Black female history has been all but erased, but the strongest of us never have been completely erased. And, we never will be. You cannot move from point A to point B without the truly strong black women, the black women that know they are not strong enough to be beaten, raped, and spit on while holding the hand of the person doing the beating, raping, and spitting.
When bad people have good ideas, you select a new leader or watch the movement, that they are standing out in front of, fizzle out and die.

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