Sunday, October 4, 2015


This is what is being taught in a Texas School in 2015.  Slaves are identified in a section on "immigration" as "workers" that appeared in the U.S. to work on plantations.

But I submit to you that it is of limited importance that this is being taught to black children. If you as a parent have any sense at all, your child knows better. This book pours gasoline on white-on-black violence. This book helps to create the situation we have now.

There are actually white people who actually believe that Irish indentured servants and black slaves were treated equally. These are the same white people bragging about their group's ability to if their ability to be absorbed into whiteness has nothing to do with their groups current success. EVEN IF "indentured servant" and "chattel-slave" had been synonymous the ability to be absorbed entirely or partially into whiteness is 75% of the battle in this country. This is colorblindness at its most foul.

More importantly, the ignorance in this World History Textbook produces a base from which extremists like Dylann Roof can mentally feed.  

The ignorance in this book produces a percentage of population that watches a "Fox and Friends" segment about how Black Lives Matters is all about black folk out-victiming everybody else which makes the Black Lives Matters Textbook undermining of the black community INSTEAD OF educational for the white community.

Bottom line is this: White Ignorance Matters. Ben Affleck lying about his heirs is part of that perpetuation of ignorance.  Henry Louis Gates Jr failing to be a gatekeeper may not be a bigger part of perpetuating white willful ignorance but his betrayal was the most galling to me.

The truth being kept twenty steps removed from white children explains a lot about how white people can claim such astounding amounts of racial ignorance in the face of the deaths of so many black people at the hands of police.  To some of the willfully white ignorant, black deaths at the hands of police are coming out of nowhere....instead of being a 400 year continuation of the same-ole-same-ole.  


"This week, we became aware of a concern regarding a caption reference to slavery on a map in one of our world geography programs. This program addresses slavery in the world in several lessons and meets the learning objectives of the course. However, we conducted a close review of the content and agree that our language in that caption did not adequately convey that Africans were both forced into migration and to labor against their will as slaves.

We believe we can do better. To communicate these facts more clearly, we will update this caption to describe the arrival of African slaves in the U.S. as a forced migration and emphasize that their work was done as slave labor. These changes will be reflected in the digital version of the program immediately and will be included in the program’s next print run.

McGraw-Hill Education is committed to developing the highest quality educational materials and upholding the academic integrity of our products. We value the insight the public brings to discussions of our content"

This statement should be considered back-pedaling UNTIL WE FOLLOW THROUGH on making sure that McGraw Hill actually makes changes to their textbooks. Furthermore, I want to know more about when and how they change the contents of each book depending on the region or state they are selling it too. That little "Texas" symbol on the cover of the book did not escape my notice. Please be aware at The Board of Education in Texas has a reputation for leaning in on the whitewashing bit.  

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