Thursday, September 3, 2015


1) Tell her you love and respect her. Teach her that love and respect, both, are always a two way street. If she experiences these things from childhood, she'll know when counterfeits are being offered as an adult.  

2) Listen to her. Have her explain why she thinks what she thinks. Let her discover that she a good at thinking, discovering, and planning.

3) Pull out chairs for her. Play with her. Be affectionate towards her.

4) Tell her if she finds the beauty in others, the right others will find beauty in her.
     (Then show her models in very long term relationships sans make-up. Pretty is as pretty does)

5)  Set expectations on how a man should treat her

6) Teach her that solitude is different from loneliness Teach her when to embrace loneliness and when to move away from it

7) Talk to her about avoiding men with too much to prove, about men who avoid their own vulnerability

8) Teach her self-sufficiency then how to trust and rely on another.

9) Protect her

10) Teach her to protect herself and those weaker than herself

11) Treat her mother with the love and respect that you expect men to treat her with when she is an adult.

12) Make sure she sees you, as her father, change your mind in response to what her mother has said from time to time.

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Make sure your son sees all this too

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