Monday, May 4, 2015


Contrary to what most of us were taught in school, Rosa Parks wasn't tired that famous day. She was a highly trained activist that went to learn from people like Septima Clarke. She worked on projects having to do with white men raping black women too. And eventually she worked for the NAACP.

TRAINED. Rosa Parks was trained.Th
e young protesters in Baltimore were untrained and unheard.

When white racism acts with savagery upon black people (even if some of those executing the white racism are black too) it is natural that some of young are going to react with an untrained LEGITIMATE rage

Burning down lives = flipping over and burning a bus will get you a "peaceful response" UNLESS the black people being attacked are trained. And that peaceful training is NOT something white people are entitled to.

Eye for an eye IS justice. The only reason to NOT do go the eye-for-an-eye route is that it does indeed leave everybody blind.

Those who belong to the group that initiated the taking of eyes have no right to be critical. None. Those who belong to the group taking eyes would do better to turn toward those that look like them and start taming them. I don't think the sit-there-and-take-it response to savagery is going to come again.

By the way, Rosa Parks wasn't the first one to refuse to give up her seat to a white person as part of a NAACP protest. One of the reasons Parks was selected 
to put this protest on the national stage over  Claudette Colvin (who was arrested earlier for executing the very same protest) was because Rosa was light-skinned and more likely to appeal to white liberals.

In other words, "white liberal person" does not equal racism free person. It never did. Maybe more trainable? Maybe? But that's about it. And I have to have my doubts about trainability when today's white progressives (and the black respectability politicians that pant after them) start posting memes that imply more concern for property than a human-being's severed spine.

Martin Luther King once said, "In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends."  Personally, I'm pretty sure I'll remember both. But I think King might agree, if he were still here, that the entitled, self-righteous comments from "our friends" will burn brightest in our memory.

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