Saturday, April 11, 2015


Have you seen the dash cam video from the police car? When Slager, the man who would eventually kill him walked back to the police car, Walter stayed in his own car for a while, then got out and took off running.

That's why, despite this encounter starting off as a traffic stop, the shooting appears to take place in a grassy area with no car in sight.

Apparently, during that minute or so in the car Walter was trying to call his mother. The family thinks he was trying to call and ask her what to do. They think when she didn't answer, he tried to run because he was afraid that he was about to be arrested for being behind in his child support payments.


I'm really not one to feel that sorry for men who have to pay x, y, and z in child support. If 3/4 of the family goes to live in place A while you go live in place B, then place A is where 3/4 of the  money goes. Hopefully him and the woman were both working when they split so that a smaller portion of his check goes to the household.

Yes, black people suffer more from poverty, but that's all the more reason for a man to make sure he's in a until-death-do-us-part scenario before he decides to have any children. It's also a reason for men to push scientists to come up with birth control for men that isn't simply a capped tube of latex after all these years.

After all, keeping up two domiciles is expensive. And it's expensive even when you're upper middle class. And to let the TV show "Dateline" tell it, a white man would rather kill his wife than pay her alimony and child support 8 times out of 10...especially if he's rich. How long has that show been on? Twenty years or more maybe? I can't believe there are any white women left.

But I digress.

The difference between white men and black men when it comes to child support is two fold. Yes, black men are poorer. But it's more important that they are blacker and many are living in ex-slave states.

And when you are more likely to be poor, you are more likely to be unable to afford a good lawyer. That means a lot of black men can go to jail at the drop of hat for getting behind in child support payments.

Funny I've heard white female friends complain about lack of child support payments. But I've never heard even a whisper about a real ability to put the white ex in jail. I know there are laws on paper. But according to the white whispers? There's very little ability to get it done.Debtors prison must be a down south thing  Those later-day, ex-slave states.

I can't imagine what the conversation between Walter and his murderer, Officer Slager could have been.  Walter's worried about child support. Walter has stopped running momentarily. What could have prompted Slager to taser him?  Darren Wilson syndrome? Black skin. Demon. Scary. And when Walter ran again -in pain from the taser this time- Slager just brought his weapon up, fired it 8 times, and sauntered on over to the body, then back to the taser to pick it up and drop it near Walter Scott's dying or dead body.

Such a casual murder. Wasn't it? How could that have been Slager's first time? How does one perform a cavalier murder, the first time you murder someone?

And in the videos I've seen? It looks to me like Clarence Habersham, saw that last bit -- the moving of the taser near the body. Can't be sure. But I'm not going to forget about that. This inquiry mind wants to know just how many accessories to this murder there are.


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