Monday, January 4, 2016


    Googled Film Plot: "The girlfriend (Teyonah Parris) of a Chicago gang leader (Nick Cannon) persuades other frustrated women to abstain from sex until their men agree to end the senseless cycle of violence."

DebLynn Translated Film Plot: 

Black Queens,
whose only power resides between their legs, close those legs
making Black Kings realize
their own king-liness 

and black-on-black crime stops dead.

Theme Song: What's Segregation, Sexism, Poverty, and Hopelessness Got To Do With It?

The official plot was gag-worthy. And Spike Lee has admitted, in a minimalist way,  to the sexist content of all films. After a friend of a friend of a friend gave a blow by blow of what actually happened in the film, the Black Queens closing their legs thing was in my head to stay so...I'll have to see it on Amazon or HBO or something for free. 

And Nick Cannon was a lead or supporting actor? He's cute, always will be, but really? Really?

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