Sunday, June 28, 2015


"I see something in President Obama that I didn't see in him 6 years ago, even 6 months ago" - Donna Brazile

I saw something in President Obama in that Eulogy that I hadn't seen before either.

Our president was amazing. That speech he gave as a Eulogy was a heartfelt course on black history. And he was on track in a way I haven't heard from him before.

But he needs our support. He needs us to shout out about what we want done. If the protests you sign don't do anymore than communicate to the public and therefore the president what we want to change, then that was a whole 60 seconds well spent.

There's a story floating around that the president wants the KKK to have to name their members and supporters. But I'm less sure that President Obama actually expressed this idea out loud than I am that a Mayor in South Carolina that has spoken to President Obama thinks this should happen.

Read for yourself:

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