Sunday, July 10, 2016


Can you appreciate just how Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, together, are nearly perfect as far as proving that police departments all of this country are patriarchal white supremacy systems?

Only a legal system saturated in patriarchal white supremacy could keep murdering black people over and over, then pass the cops that murdered them through a legal system involving a prosecutor and a judge just waiting to label the murder victims as "mistakes"
I think that is what's happening. Black deaths are being labeled as "mistakes" or "tragedies." Wasn't Rekia Boyd's death was labeled as a "mistake?" Sandra Blands too, right? Tamir Rice's death was an "accident" as well, yes?

Isn't that what a black person's death winds up bieng called when nobody goes to jail for it? All the victims get labeled as "mistakes" or "accidents" or "tragedies" instead of "murder victims."  

Stereotypes in the mind
of the police uniform wearing beholder,
killed most, if not all,
of the unarmed
black and brown people
over the last few years.

And the same thing killed Alton Sterling and Philando Castile regardless of their distance
from the  ~~violent n*gger~~  stereotype.    

Alton Sterling

  • Big Black Guy
  • Statuatory Rape Conviction
  • Domestic Violence Type Convictions
  • Other Criimes
  • Messy Life
  • Screams in discomfort/pain during arrest
  • Unlicensed Gun

Philando Castile

  • Thin Black Guy
  • School Teacher
  • in facebook live video, his girlfriend lists all the ways Castile does not fit the black male stereotype, lists all the reasons he should NOT be dying as he lay dying
  • Clean Life 
  • Upstanding citizen
  • Keeps hands in sight/ Quiet during non-arrest
  • Licensed Gun

Philando was a perfect and "respectable" as Alton Sterling was not. Yet one is just as dead as the other.

And, so far, it appears that none of the officers involved these two murders were threatened by a thing except the racial stereotypes they had in their own minds before they ever arrived at the scene of their future murder scenes.

Members of the leading edge of white supremacy, police departments, are so saturated with the form of white supremacy that is so inadequately called "implicit bias" due to the message bombarding US ALL every, single day that the officer doesn't even have to be white to execute the values of white supremacy.

Something has to give. And I think one of the first things we have to do is focus less on the police officers themselves and more on the things in place to shield them.

Prosecutors and judges have to be removed when they fail us.

Some black voters have already successfully moved in that direction. Prosecutors in Cleveland and Chicago have been voted out. Women outraged by (
Twenty-Minutes-Of-Action) Brock Turner's 6 month sentence for rape are trying to remove a judge for his bad decision making too.  

But I think what is just as important as anything else is the financial breaking of the police union.

We have to stop police unions from having access to an unlimited source of money to shield their bad officers which is really unlimited access to our state tax dollars.

If a cowardly cop starts trembling at the sight of black skin and shoots somebody 3 to 5 times, not only should the police union pay the legal defense out of their dues (which they do as I understand it) they should also be paying the millions of dollars to the victim's families instead of the city.

The city's money is OUR money, our state tax dollars. Why shouldn't we demand that cops use their own money, their union dues, to pay families like 
Tamir Rice's (6 million), Rekia Boyd's (4.5 million), and Sam DuBose's (4.8 million), and Laquan McDonald, (16 million - 1 million per bullet) etc.  

A police union would not be able to withstand financial hit after financial hit after financial hit if they took that financial hit directly in their own pockets.

Even if we didn't want to leave victim's families penniless before, during, or after the police union went down, we could make the police union responsible for the first million of every settlement until they cleaned up (enough to not have to pay anybody for an incompetent, cowardly, or racist murder) or went bankrupt. The city, our tax dollars, could always be on the hook for the balance due the families.

Once the police union is bankrupt,  you don't get the expensive lawyer to do the song and dance for the prosecutor and the judge. But I've seen a few cases where the cop didn't even need an attorney. The "prosecutor" and the "judge" defended the bad cops themselves. 

Once police unions were in danger of being destroyed by bankruptcy leaving police officers completely exposed, their motivation to get rid of bad cops would be greatly enhanced.

Peer pressure to not say anything when you see another cop messing up might be met with equal pressure that comes from thinking, "the police union will be bankrupt if I'm ever falsely accused if this coward I'm partnered with finally shoots a black or brown person."

Right now? As I see it? There's no counter pressure for "good cops" to do what they are supposed to.  

We can make this section of the patriarchal white supremacist system start looking for ways to police itself. We don't have to inspire good hearts or altruism. We can say, "Do right or go broke."  Cross that thin blue line or be exposed when someone really DOES accuse you of something you didn't do.

Of course the move devout covert racists will look for another way to nail black and brown people, but we have to start plugging up holes somewhere. And I think the police union's wallet is that place.

If this can't work for whatever reason, think of another way to take police officer's money.

It's just basic common sense to make sure that the group that is screwing up is the one paying up.

The way it works now, from where I sit, the cowardly racist murderer in a police uniform gets 3 or 4 of his "good cop" buddies to lie, saying they didn't see anything. Then the murderer feels stressed  out for a 1 to 1.5 years, cop union paying for everything, until their case is dismissed by a prosecutor or a judge.  That's not enough.  

Taking away money
always motivates people
who can't see, hear, or smell any of the racism, 
piled hip deep around them,
to start seeing, hearing, and smelling the racism


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