Monday, April 13, 2015

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Rides Again

First SAE Members and Levi Pettit learned the lyrics to "Lynch The N-words" at a SAE leadership meeting. Now we have photos of white kids mugging like Crips (and not Bloods) at a SAE Crips-mas party at Clemson 

I understand. Don't you?

People who are NOT WHITE are just so fun to mock. It simply cannot be helped.

When the U.S. got mad at predominantly white France for having the audacity to say they wouldn't be joining us in Iraq some decided to call french fries "freedom fries." I'm not even kidding, check the link.  And I don't remember much of anything being said about France's white leader.

But when the-royal-we decided were unamused by North Korea and it's not-white leader, well then...we'll just make an entire movie like "The Interview" where assassinating the CURRENT leader of another country is the ultimate joke. By the way, the fact that Mabel may not be too stable? That's a reason you do NOT CHOOSE Kim Jong Un to make an assassination comedy about.

But not-whiteness is just so damn funny.

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