Monday, March 21, 2016






This is from a few years back, 2012. But it's a perfect introduction to who this woman is. I first saw her as a guest star or panelist on a Bill Maher show. I had no idea who she was but her brain seemed second to none more than once.

I quasi-followed her career after that,  discovering shortly after her Bill Maher stints that she was a comedienne. She did some work on the improv nearly-a-game-show "Who's Line Is It Anyway?"

She seemed like she would be a natural feminist. And with a little research I found she was one. But her advocacy was in the area of gaming. I admit that made me blink more than once. Not that this area doesn't need some serious feminist attention. I still remember seeing my 3 year old nephew win his race car game and watching his avatar get a kiss from this sleezy half-dressed hooker-looking chick.

My sister-in-law played every game he got before he did after she saw that.

So I'm glad Aisha has her eye on cleaning up gaming.
"[After] being invited to host the 2012 E3 press conference, [some] were not so pleased. In typical troll fashion, she received a ton of comments complaining that she knew nothing about gaming. Tyler responded to her haters on Facebook in a perfect takedown of their "complaints."

"I play.
I've played since I was a little kid.
Since I begged my dad to buy me a Nintendo LCD Donkey Kong, Jr.
Since I blew through three weeks' allowance playing Defender at the laundromat.
Since you were a twinge in the left side of your daddy's underoos.

I've been a gamer since I made friends with a girl in the 5th grade just to get at her Atari.
Since I missed the bus playing Galaga after school.
Since I missed the start of Return of the Jedi playing Tempest in the theater lobby.

You think you know. You don't know.

I've been a gamer since before you could read.
Since I aced midterms after staying up all night playing Evil Tetris.
Since I became dorm champ at Leisure Suit Larry.
Since I double-wielded on Time Crisis 3 at Fuddrucker's.

I was a voice in not one, but two major video game titles.
I hosted the Reach Beta tutorial.
I was a Gears of War superfan panelist at ComicCon.
I hosted the Ubisoft presser at E3 2012.
I didn't do any of it for the money.
For most I got paid next to nothing, and for some, less than that.

I did it because I love video games.
Because I've dreamt since I was a kid of being in one of the games I love.
How many games have you done voices for?
How many cons have you repped at?
Your buddy's Unreal Tournament garage deathmatch doesn't count.

I go to E3 each year because I love video games.
Because new titles still get me high.
Because I still love getting swag.
Love wearing my gamer pride on my sleeve.
People ask me what console I play.
Motherfucker, ALL of them.

I get invited to E3 because real gamers know I'm a gamer.
I don't do it for the money.
I have plenty of money.
I don't do it for the fame.
Fuck fame.
I do it because I love video games.

I don't give out my gamertag because I don't want a mess of noob jackholes lining up
to assassinate me on XBL.
I don't give a shit what you think about my gamerscore.
I don't play to prove a point.
I don't play to be the best.
I play because I love it.

I play."

Biography I Want To Read
Self-Inflicted Wounds: Heartwarming Tales of Epic Humiliation

Her Views On Sexual Harassment

"Men need to speak up when they see harassment, either online or in the real world. Period. Just imagine that this woman is your girlfriend, mother or sister. Would it be okay for someone to treat one of them the way they are treating the woman in front of you? If you can find a way to empathize by relating to the women you care about, it quickly becomes clear that this behavior is unacceptable. And men are more likely to respond to the comments and scrutiny of other men when they are harassing women, as they can't dismiss their disapproval as gender-motivated. It doesn't have to be a speech. Just a simple, "Dude. Not cool." can make someone reexamine their behavior."
EP: You've been involved in a lot of causes over the years ranging from marriage equality to women's reproductive freedom....Do you identify as a feminist?
ATI definitely identify as a feminist...."

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