"U.S. District Judge E. Richard Webber....ordered the settlement agreement sealed, writing that its disclosure "could jeopardize the safety of individuals involved in this matter, whether as witnesses, parties, or investigators," the newspaper reported."
In case you missed this news from a few months back:
The Ferguson police were very selective about which part of the store surveillance video they showed the public.
You remember the video right? The one where they showed Mike Brown shoving a man that grabbed him, turned out to be the person running the store. Well, Brown was at the store hours before that more "damning" piece of video that the Ferguson police called a "strong arm robbery.
The earlier surveillance video, found by documentary maker Jason Pollack, makes it look like Brown left something at the same store in the wee hours of the morning -- with younger employees.
This new section of the same video makes it look like Brown might have been retrieving something that was ALREADY HIS.
This, in turn, might mean that the older gentleman who grabbed Brown hours later -- during what the Ferguson police called a "strong arm robbery-- didn't understand what was going on.
And if it was a misunderstanding, maybe this is why the store owner never called the police; a customer in the store called the police about the incident in the store.
Now lets go back and remember the sequence in which the information about Mike Brown's murder was revealed
When I first heard of Mike Brown's shooting, Wilson had stopped Brown and his companion because of jay walking.
Then when the incident started getting national attention and therefore national heat, then the Ferguson police said Wilson stopped Brown because he matched the description of the "strong arm robber."
Then when it started looking like Wilson couldn't have known about the incident in the store before he stopped Brown and killed him, that's when the crazy n-word story starts to take shape.
Wilson didn't give his official statement, as far as I know, until after the autopsy. Was he waiting for the autopsy results to come back to see if any of the bullets hit Brown in the back? Was he waiting to see if he'd blown a hole in Brown's raised hands?
Wilson was panicked by the big black demon, remember? He probably didn't know where he hit Brown at all.When the strong arm robbery story gets wobbly -likely because Wilson didn't know about the robbery when he killed Brown- that's when white Ferguson law enforcement starts with the crazy n**ger story
You remember the crazy n-word story right?
In the racist white mind, if a person is black and also willing to snatch cigarillos in broad daylight they must be crazy violent enough to reach down into a cops car grab his gun for no reason.That's why holding back that other piece of surveillance tape was important. The trumped up robbery story makes the crazy n-word story work for a wider variety of white folks.
No matter which way you turn Mike Brown's death was a murder.
In my opinion, hiding a part of the surveillance video was white law enforcement helping make Wilson's ridiculous story more solid.
And now we have a judge ordering 1.5 million dollar settlement sealed when such settlements aren't usually sealed
...so as to protect all the lying white supremacists that helped Wilson get away with murder, maybe?